Silver Lakes Trails - Beautiful snowy trails to explore and awesome treats to keep your dog happy all day.
Treat your best friend to high-quality doggie treats – from turkey and liver snacks to yummy dog biscuits, from gourmet boar sliders to pocket-sized peanut butter treats. We’ve got booties in all sizes to protect paws on the cold trails, and all-season Pawmagik roll-on to keep those paws moisturized in the cold.
AVAILABLE SLOTS FOR TRAIL WALKING THIS WEEKEND: 1. Friday, Feb 19 12:00 - 3 spots 12:30 - 3 spots 2:00 - 5 spots 2:30 - 5 spots 3:00 - 5 spots 3:30 - 5 spots
2. Saturday, Feb 20 10:30 - 2 spots
3. Sunday, Feb 21 3:30 - 3 spots
Don't forget, we go live with next weeks' bookings (Feb 26-28) this Friday, Feb 19 at 10am.

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